CAT Scientific Overhead Stirrers
* High Power Output * Fuzzylogic Control * Soft Motor Start / Stop * Over-Temperature Protection
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Vol: 100L | RPM: 50 - 1600 | 80 NCM
Vol: 150L | RPM: 20 - 700 | 80 NCM
Vol: 200L | RPM: 40 - 2000 | 150 NCM
Vol: 200L | RPM: 10 - 500 | 600 NCM
Vol: 200L | RPM: 40 - 2000 | 100 NCM
Vol: 35L | RPM: 50 - 2000 | 20 NCM
Vol: 35L| RPM: 20 - 800 min | 60 NCM
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CAT Scientific offers a range of 6 overhead stirrers to meet your laboratory needs. In a range from the budget model to the higher end, these are of the same quality and performance as all of CAT's laboratory equipment. Browse the stirrers where we've tried to provide you with the specifications and details of each to simplify the process of purchasing your lab equipment. If you have any questions regarding these models or the associated accessories, please send us your questions or just contact us.