Cannabis Homogenization: Questions & Answers

Cannabis homogenization. These two words, as insignificant as they may seem, hold the future of our industry. The weight of this post-processing technique has the potential to propel the nation into the green light of legalization or fling an entire industry back into the harsh realm of prohibition.

If the cannabis industry has an Achilles Heel, it’s homogenization.

As cannabis moves deeper into the mainstream consciousness, political detractors desperately seek any sign of weakness. While cannabis processors actively combat each wave of questioning from social and government leaders, the refusal to adopt homogenization processing may be the end-game for this budding industry.

But, why? What’s the purpose of fighting years for legalization to then be the root cause of industry failure? While there are many reasons, the lack of homogenization-based knowledge likely fuels this dangerous flame.

CAT Scientific remains at the forefront of cannabis homogenization advocacy. As suppliers of innovative homogenizers, our mission is simple: disburse truth throughout our industry to safeguard the future millions have dedicated their lives to create.

The cornerstone of current and future success is knowledge. Much like our homogenizer drives, let’s evenly distribute the molecules of understanding.

Is homogenization really a problem in the cannabis industry?

Absolutely, in fact, it’s the most significant issue our industry faces. Essentially, the lack of homogenization produces mislabeled and non-uniform solutions. This negatively affects two consumer demographics:

  • Medical Patients – Unevenly distributed cannabinoids makes it impossible to properly measure dosage. For some patients, this means a complete lack of medicinal compounds, while others experience “hot spots” of dangerously high cannabinoid concentrations.
  • Recreational Customers – When you purchase a bottle of juice, you hold an expectation of ingredient label accuracy. The same is true when you purchase a chocolate bar. Imagine biting into your favorite candy to find it’s missing the star ingredient. This doesn’t, or rarely, happens as these industries require homogenization. Now, imagine the detrimental effects when this occurs with a cannabis product. As with medical patients, recreational consumers are put at risk by consuming excessively high THC edibles, or disappointed with a product with little-to-no cannabinoids.

Will homogenizing overheat my solution?

A common misconception regarding homogenizer drives is its action overheats a solution. While heat generation does occur, the degree of temperature increase varies based on processing time, volume and viscosity. While the impact of this slight temperature increase isn’t detrimental, beverage manufacturers are recommended the CAT DK40 Inline Dispenser. This device inhibits overheating due to its cooling jacket.

Doesnt a homogenizer just mix a solution? Whats the point?

No, the purpose of a homogenizer drive is to take an already-processed solution and evenly disburse its cannabinoids, which are often clumped together.

Before homogenization, atoms from the carrier oil, terpenes and cannabinoids rest in random order. This results in “hot spots” and irregular concentrations. When homogenized, these atoms are sent through the homogenizer Generator Shaft at the speed of sound.

This rapid movement binds individual atoms and forms molecules. These newly formed molecules are then sent out into the solution in an evenly disbursed pattern. Ultimately, this chemical adjustment results in uniform potency throughout the solution.

How do I get started with cannabis homogenization?

Contrary to widespread belief, adopting homogenization isn’t a complex and time-consuming process. The first step is purchasing an appropriate homogenizer for your products. Next, is adding this step to your post-processing task list.

The action of homogenization is quick and relatively streamlined. Its impact on final product quality is unprecedented.

If you’re interested in learning more, or are ready to begin, Contact Us today. Together, we can safeguard the future stability and progress of this life-altering industry.


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CAT Scientific

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