Flow-through Chamber Accessory for a Lab Homogenizer

Lab homogenizers are often the instruments of choice when developing pilot-plant procedures to be scaled up to production line operations. Typically laboratory homogenizers are suspended over beakers or flasks containing samples to be processed by being drawn into the homogenizer generator for mixing, dispersing, emulsifying and similar treatment. Researchers can greatly extend the utility of a lab homogenizer by coupling it to a flow-through chamber accessory.

Flow-through chamber accessories such as the stainless steel CAT DK30 and DK40 models support two important functions:

1.Extending the exposure of samples to the homogenizing action
2.In-line sample processing

Extending Exposure Time

In the first instance, when homogenizing using flasks the amount of sample exposure to homogenizing action is controlled by the speed of the drive motor and the length of time samples are processed in the flask. But when a flow-through chamber is used it can serve as a pump to constantly draw in then discharge the sample, either to the same beakers or to another destination.

For example, a CAT Scientific DK30 stainless steel flow-through chamber is paired with 2000 liter capacity CAT G 20 or 3000 liter capacity G 30 dispersing tools. The DK30 has a ribbed inlet at the base and ribbed outlet at the side. Tubing attached to the bottom inlet draws sample from a beaker into the dispersing tool and discharges it through tubing attached to the side outlet. Sample dwell time in the chamber can be extended by restricting the outflow, which is returned either to the same beaker or to another destination.

Higher processing capacity is accomplished with the 5000 liter per hour DK40 flow-through chamber. Though larger it operates on the same principal as the DK 30 with inlets and outlets. It is also equipped with a cooling jacket and is mounted directly to a homogenizer drive motor operating to 22,000 rpm. Both assemblies are firmly attached to a horizontal mounting plate. As with the DK30 restricting outflow extends exposure time in the chamber.

In-Line Processing

Both the DK30 and DK40 flow through chambers can be used to develop pilot scale in-line processing simply by routing the outlet to the desired destination. Attach and clip the inlet and outlet tubes, routing as needed.

Read our article for additional information on how flow-through chambers operate please click here.

For complete information on CAT Scientific homogenizer components contact us or complete and return our Homogeniser Questionnaire.


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CAT Scientific

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