Impact of Cannabis Homogenization

The Impact of Cannabis Homogenization for Consumers & Beyond

As legal cannabis spreads throughout the nation, the topic of homogenization has moved into the spotlight, and rightfully so. The impact of cannabis homogenization dives beyond the expectation of product uniformity, which we’ll discuss later, and moves into the realm of safety and legitimacy.

Essentially, the absence of standardized homogenization prevents the widespread acceptance of cannabis as a legitimate product, medicine and industry. The social, economic and political vibrations caused by non-homogenized cannabis products has the potential to derail much more than consumer experiences.

An Expectation of Accuracy – Homogenization and Consumers

When you purchase a gallon of milk, a bottle of juice or a package of cheese, you do so with the explicit expectation of quality. This expectation isn’t unjust or fabricated. Products designed for internal consumption are universally held to the standard of ingredient accuracy.

Unfortunately, with cannabis products, this level of standardized accuracy doesn’t yet exist.

Recently, a slew of events have magnified the unprecedented inconsistencies plaguing the cannabis industry. According to a blind study, 84 CBD products manufactured by 31 separate companies demonstrated mind-boggling cannabinoid discrepancies. Out of the test group, just over 30 percent, or 25 products, contained its advertised concentration of CBD.

Could you imagine if this was the case for any other product? No, because standardized homogenization isn’t an option for other industries, it’s a requirement.

The cannabis industry is at a precipice. For years, the legitimacy of cannabis as a therapeutic compound and recreational substance was observed only by a limited group. Essentially, this cultivated an unregulated, free-for-all industry.

However, as the fires of cannabis legalization spread throughout the nation, the absence of uniform homogenization shines a critical light into out vulnerable industry. As cultural leaders and political superpowers search for any sign of weakness, the loose strings of non-homogenized products will be the first they grab.

The Uniformity of Disorganization – Evidence of Absentee Care

Upon first hearing about such widespread cannabinoid discrepancies, many assume this unsavory scenario is a problem for new, unexperienced or low-quality companies. While this assumption seems rational, in reality, even the biggest names in the industry are touting non-homogenized products.

The most astonishing example of such irresponsible, and potentially damning, behavior comes from Northern California’s 2017 Emerald Cup competition. This internationally celebrated event is a significant platform for cannabis companies to showcase their products and solidify their placement in the budding American cannabis industry.

Working under the assumption held for practically any other consumable-related industry, the glaring oversight of non-homogenized products shouldn’t be found, right? Unfortunately, wrong.

Although the 2017 Emerald Cup demonstrated excellent advancements in cannabis processing and innovation, analysis of six cannabis products revealed not only inaccurate cannabinoid concentrations, but all six products demonstrated 0 mg of THC or CBD.

Yes, you read that correctly. These unrelated products, which ranged from topical creams to food and drinks, had literally no cannabinoids.

If six unrelated products demonstrated zero cannabinoids at an event designed to showcase potency and accuracy, imagine the number of products sold to millions of consumers that are void of their primary ingredients?

Not only does this negatively impact the cannabis industry, but inconsistent cannabinoid concentrations pose a serious risk for consumers.

Without proper regulatory standardizations, consumers may find themselves with a useless product, or worse, one with THC “hot spots” that deliver exceptionally large quantities of this potent cannabinoid.

Considering the sheer number of detractors eyeing the cannabis industry for any signs of danger, if cannabis companies continue avoiding homogenization, they are unfortunately signing the death certificate of this important industry.

The absence of homogenized cannabis products may be the straw that broke this camel’s back.


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CAT Scientific

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