The Future of Cannabis Relies on Cannabinoid Distribution

As we stand at the precipice of widespread cannabis legalization, the blurred figure of a new industry is slowly taking shape. Throughout the past several years, cannabis has moved away from the bloodshot eyes of stereotypical stoners and into the lives of people from all walks of life.

The normalization of cannabis may be attributed to a host of factors. From social media conversations to strategic marketing strategies, millions of people are opening their minds, hearts and wallets to the potential therapeutic value of this plant.

While cannabis still has many hurdles to overcome before attaining national legalization, calming political detractors and eliminating unsavory stigmatization at the social level isn’t at the top of this list. Surprisingly, the future of cannabis rests on the shoulders of cannabusinesses.

Safeguarding the future proliferation of this industry not only requires further advocacy, but internal changes in how cannabis products, specifically edibles and vape solutions, are manufactured.

In essence, decades of powerful movements and social challenges boils down to one word: homogenization.

Cannabis Homogenization – Its Role in Cannabis Legalization

We’re at a unique turning point in the history of cannabis. With over 65 percent of Americans in favor of cannabis legalization, the United States is ready to halt the damage and constraints of cannabis prohibition.

Across the county, states and local municipalities are dipping their toes in the healing green waters of cannabis. What was once considered a harmful compound is now embraced by a wide demographic, which spans almost every age, income and social group.

While this obviously translates into greater income potential for cannabusinesses, this growth and broad acceptance has placed a unique challenge at the doorsteps of cannabis product manufacturers. In years past, the role of homogenization seemed optional. Even though we all understand the importance of cannabinoid uniformity, countless businesses viewed this essential process as nothing more than an added manufacturing cost.

This dangerous thought pattern has finally caught up with the creators of edibles, beverages, tinctures and vape solutions. In fact, the absence of cannabis homogenization means the difference between life and death for cannabis legalization.

As political detractors, most notably United States Attorney  General Jeff Sessions, narrow their venomous minds on the legalization of cannabis, homogenization takes an entirely new hue. Essentially, this post-processing procedure affects the industry in three distinct ways:

  1. Undermines the legitimacy of the industry.
  2. Creates opportunity for detractors to broadcast the “unsafe” conditions of legal cannabis.
  3. Amplifies a lack of care and regulation from within the industry.

Without standardized homogenization regulations, consumers are put at risk of ingesting excess cannabinoids. In our volatile state of affairs, all it takes is a handful of reports to breakdown the wall of legitimacy that took decades to construct. The failure of adopting widespread use of homogenizer drives has the potential to thwart current and future progress.

This is why CAT Scientific has spent countless hours educating and advocating the use of homogenizing equipment. Our duty isn’t to simply sell equipment, but rather, solidify the need and importance of even cannabinoid distribution.

As we move deeper into the unknown waters of cannabis legalization, it’s the responsibility of all companies, advocates and consumers to demand greater transparency in post-processing tactics. And it all begins by taking the leap into homogenization. Contact CAT Scientific today, and together, let’s create not only greater product consistency, but an industry glowing with the light of legitimacy.


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CAT Scientific

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