X1000 Homogenizer-G20 Generator Shaft: How to Disassemble and Clean (video)

Disassembling and cleaning your G20 shaft is crucial after every process. This simple cleaning procedure should always be done immediately after use to prevent potential damage or corrosion of the unit. Cleaning also ensures you will avoid cross-contamination of future samples. In this video we demonstrate the precise steps involved in carefully disassembling the homogenizer shaft and generator assembly (i.e. the rotor and stator), followed by reassembly.

Once disassembled, all parts should be thoroughly cleaned with an appropriate solvent or biodegradable cleaner. You may choose to autoclave parts to achieve sterilization, or run them through an ultrasonic bath for cleaning by cavitation, followed by thorough rinsing in distilled water. In this video, we then demonstrate how to properly reassemble all components so your G20 generator shaft is ready for its next use.


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CAT Scientific

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