Mixing Distillate and Terpenes: How to Achieve a Uniform Blend

Properly mixing distillate and terpenes safeguards consumers and businesses, but how do we achieve uniformity? We’ll get into that in a minute. First, we must understand the concept of what particle reduction is. Particle reduction is where two substances; distillate and terpenes have inconsistently sized particles and when a rotor-stator homogenizer is used it reduces the particle sizes so they are uniform, which gives you a uniform disbursement of terpenes throughout the distillate.

Homogenization is the key when mixing distillate and terpenes. For some, it’s viewed as an essential methodology, while others view it as an unnecessary step. As governing bodies in California, and beyond, push for stricter cannabis homogenization laws, this process has moved away from an optional process and into the harsher light of legal requirement.

Cannabis Homogenization – A Widespread Void

As cannabis etches its way into the mainstream marketplace, it’s paramount that manufactures begin employing a high shear homogenizer when mixing distillate and terpenes, and other cannabis infused products. A laboratory homogenizer ensures uniform blending. It’s the only way to be certain that each and every unit of product you sell contains the same amount of active ingredient.

While the concept of cannabis homogenization isn’t new, recent events highlight its absence. A glaring example comes from the 2017 Emerald Cup. This celebrated annual event offers a rare chance for cannabis businesses to showcase their products and innovations. Companies submit their best products for review and competition.

To the surprise of many, analysis told the story that’s far too familiar for countless consumers. Six different products tested negative for any cannabinoids. Let’s further clarify, six products chosen specifically for this respected annual event contained zero THC and CBD.

This is only the tip of the iceberg.

CAT Scientific remains on the forefront of cannabis homogenization. Throughout our investigative tactics, we’ve uncovered a treasure trove of popular cannabis products void of their proclaimed cannabinoid concentrations. As our industry progresses, it’s no surprise the requirement of THC, CBD and other cannabinoid distribution is under scrutiny.

The (Not So) Secret Technique for Even Cannabinoid Distribution

Simply because cannabinoids are miscible with a carrier solution doesn’t mean cannabinoids automatically distribute evenly. Even when a solution (distillate and terpenes) is properly combined, such as with a magnetic hotplate stirrer, without homogenization, the final result is potentially harmful to consumers and your brand.

When mixing distillate and terpenes achieving uniformity is surprisingly easy, but only with the proper equipment. There’s confusion among many cannabis processors, especially those new to the industry, that overhead stirrers mix distillate and terpenes evenly throughout a solution. However, as stated earlier, just because a solution mixes, doesn’t mean it’s ready for shipment.

Homogenizers transform cannabis infusions on the molecular level. As the solution is emulsified, cannabinoids are agitated away from their sporadic distribution and evenly packed throughout the entire solution. In a relatively short time, your solution is void of THC “hot spots,” which makes dosing and user experience consistent across an entire batch.

Elevate Cannabis Consistency and Experience – CAT Scientific

While cannabis homogenization sounds complex, with the right equipment, this additional process is easy and effective. As legal regulations, and consumer expectations, continue to evolve, homogenization is no longer an option.

CAT Scientific isn’t just a cannabis post-processing equipment supplier. We’re dedicated to the disbursement of knowledge and skill. Contact Us to see how our homogenizers can transform the validity and value of your cannabis products.


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CAT Scientific

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