How to Choose the Right Magnetic Stirrer for Cannabis Concentrates

Imagine one of your bathroom pipes won’t unclog and it’s backing up water.

It smells, looks horrible, and you don’t want to deal with it.

You call a plumber, to solve your retched problem.

When they arrive, their only tool is a screwdriver. Do you trust that plumber?

Every job requires a specific set of tools.

Much like the plumbing industry, if you bring the wrong tool to a clogged pipe, you’re not going to get anything done.

There are several key things to look for when deciding which magnetic stirrer you need for your cannabis concentrate business.

To hone in on those factors, you need to ask yourself a few questions.

Do you need digital or analog stirring?

Since you’re running a business, you want everything to be quantifiable; this includes the stirring process.

For this, you need a digital stirrer.

You can precisely dictate, record, and replicate your stirring processes.

You’ll have control over speed, temperature, and timing of the entire process which makes your job at creating concentrates easier.

For the most streamlined cannabis concentrate laboratory possible, look only at digital stirring tools.

How Much Can You Spend on Your Magnetic Stirrer?

Firstly, you’ll need to consider your budget.

While a hotplate stirrer for round bottom flasks–like the KM16.4D Hotplate Stirrer will cost you on the low-end just over $800, its features are simple.

It may not meet your needs if you’re looking for something with more control of its stirring features.

CAT Scientific MCS78 Hotplate Magnetic Stirrer

CAT Scientific MCS78

The MCS78 Programmable Hotplate Magnetic Stirrer will cost over 50% more than that.

Its multitasking capabilities may easily justify the steep difference in cost.

Though the price difference is significant–and the appeal to please the budget may be great–the price point of your magnetic stirrer is not the last variable to consider.

How much you pay may largely depend on what equipment your laboratory uses.



What containers are you using?

When you’re thinking about what magnetic stirrer your concentrate company needs, you should be keenly aware of the tools you will have at your disposal during the extraction process.

Are you using round bottom flasks or flat bottom flasks?

CAT Scientific KM16.7D hotplate magnetic stirrer for round bottom flasks

CAT Scientific KM16.7D

The flask you use will greatly influence the choice you’ll have to make for your magnetic stirrer.

Stirrers like the KM16.7D will prevent spills in round bottom flasks, and it can hold up to twice the amount of concentrate as its aforementioned cousin.

That’s why knowing how much concentrate you’re going to be producing is also important.

If you need industrial-scale processing equipment, a 10-liter capacity is your best option from our line up.

For smaller batches–500ml or less–such a pervasive capability would be unnecessary.


Deciding on what magnetic stirrer to purchase for your cannabis business is a crucial step in producing quality concentrates.

If you have any questions, or require more guidance on how to choose the right hotplate magnetic stirrer for your concentrate business, contact us by calling 805-709-1056 or by getting in touch with us here.


CAT Scientific

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