How to Clean Lab Homogenizer Dispersing Tools – Video

Laboratory homogenizers are used in a variety of application, among which are included mixing, emulsifying and dispersing lab samples. Whatever the application one point remains constant: a lab homogenizer must be cleaned before it is used to perform another processing function. This avoids the potential of cross-contamination between samples being processed. Cleaning is particularly critical…

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Cleaning and Sterilizing Laboratory Homogenizers

As with medical and surgical instruments, laboratory homogenizers must be thoroughly cleaned and sterilized or disinfected after use to avoid contaminating subsequent samples. The complex designs of homogenizer rotor-stator generator teeth and slots provide an ideal setting to trap and hold sample particles. Here we present a suggested procedure that can be employed or modified…

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Modular Homogenizer Shaft Tubes: Sealed or Non-Sealed?

Several decisions must be made when setting up a laboratory or pilot plant homogenizing exercise. Drive motor speed and power along with the rotor-stator generator assembly are among the top considerations. But don’t overlook the modular homogenizer drive shaft tube to which the stator is attached and which encases the rotor shaft. Drive shaft tubes…

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