Strengthening Cannabinoid Modulation With Terpenes

How Terpenoids Boost Cannabinoid Efficiency You’d be hard-pressed to walk into any dispensary without being bombarded by flashy product advertising proclaiming the power of terpenes. Such claims suggest the flavor and aroma of their product is “enhanced” while others suggest their use of additional terpenes boosts its therapeutic value. As with many elements of advertising,…

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Cultivating Safety and Stability in Cannabis Edibles

Eliminating Cannabinoid Deviation via Homogenizer Processing Although the legalization of medicinal and recreational cannabis has elevated the health, happiness and quality of life for millions of Californians, the birth of this evolving industry isn’t without serious issues. Perhaps one of the most popular methods of cannabis consumption is, unfortunately, among the most treacherous. Edibles and…

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The Dangers of Overhead Stirrer in Cannabinoid Distribution

An Even Distribution of Knowledge – High-Shear Homogenizer vs Overhead Stirrer Solving Disbursement Issues with High-Shear Homogenizers There’s a serious malinformation infiltrating the cannabis industry. No, we’re not speaking of legal entities attempting to block access to this healing herb. This harmful growth comes from the very manufacturers and companies who’ve tirelessly worked to alter…

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The New Frontier in Cannabis Production

Nano vs High Shear Emulsion Techniques During the past several years, as cannabis legalization and decriminalization began flowering throughout the United States, there grew a malformation in this newly created industry. Up until recently, cannabis production and innovation remained behind closed doors. The threat of serious legal complications hindered our collective knowledge from intertwining. Unlike…

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Emulsifying Vegetable Glycerin and BHO for E-juice

For those of you who’ve tried to mix vegetable glycerin and BHO for an e-juice or tincture know they don’t easily blend and separate quite rapidly. Whether you’re a large possessor or small, we at CAT Scientific have a method where the process can be completed in about two hours or less without using a…

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