How to Maintain Lab Homogenizer Shaft Bearings

Keeping laboratory and pilot plant homogenizers in proper operating order requires special to critical components located out of sight within the homogenizer shaft tube.  These are the homogenizer shaft bearings that keep the rotor shaft centered in the tube.  While homogenizer shaft bearings and other components are in the tube they are fully exposed to…

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How to Homogenize Vegetable Glycerin for E-Juice

This short video provides dramatic proof of the effect of temperature on the ability to homogenize vegetable glycerin for E-Juice. In it I demonstrate how glycerin at room temperature simply cannot be homogenized no matter how fast the homogenizer drive unit rotates. But after heating the glycerin to 60⁰C (140⁰F) it readily homogenizes in the…

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Using Lab Homogenizers for Medical Research

Lab homogenizers offered by CAT Scientific play an important role in medical research and the development of new pharmaceuticals.  Controllable-speed scientific homogenizers are used to emulsify, disperse, mix and otherwise process various substances including liquids such as emulsions, slurries, and pastes as well as more abrasive media such as powders using the homogenizer generator. The…

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A Brief on Lab Homogenizer Applications

The term “homogenizing” covers a variety of processes that simply defined means blending materials that may or may not be compatible.  A common example is homogenized milk.  It is homogenized to provide even consistency by dispersing the heavier cream into the more liquid milk to and prevent separation during storage. A much broader definition relates…

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How to Use Lab Homogenizers

As with all precision scientific equipment, laboratory homogenizers have advantages and limitations.  Many of the questions we get at CAT Scientific come down to the improper use of lab homogenizers or misconceptions of what they do and what they should not be expected to do.  For that matter, we could have titled this post “How…

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