How to Maintain your Laboratory Homogenizer

Laboratory homogenizers are important investments for R&D and pilot plants developing processes to scale up to commercial production.  First appearances may suggest scientific homogenizers are not that complex.  Not true!  A close look reveals that lab homogenizers contain several complex components, all of which are capable of trapping contaminants that must be removed before processing…

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An Introduction to Modular Laboratory Homogenizer Systems

Homogenizers as the name suggests perform a homogenizing function. A common example is homogenized milk, a function performed to avoid separation of cream from milk.  This is done with production-line homogenizers.  In R&D labs and for initial pilot plant operations lab homogenizers are put into play.  This post introduces you to modular laboratory homogenizer systems…

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How to Use Lab Homogenizers

As with all precision scientific equipment, laboratory homogenizers have advantages and limitations.  Many of the questions we get at CAT Scientific come down to the improper use of lab homogenizers or misconceptions of what they do and what they should not be expected to do.  For that matter, we could have titled this post “How…

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