Selecting Rotor-Stator Configurations
Lab Homogenizer Rotor-Stator Configurations Laboratory homogenizers such as offered by CAT Scientific are called on to perform multiple mixing, dispersing, and similar tasks to support R&D activity as well as to establish processing guideline that can be scaled up to commercial production. Modular lab homogenizers allow researchers to pair multiple rotor-stator configurations to suit the…
Read MoreHow to Use an Analytical Mill
Tips on Using CAT Analytical Mills As flow-through chambers increase the versatility of CAT Homogenizers, so too does the compact rugged AX 60 Analytical Mill. With this attachment on the CAT X1000 or X1000D drive motor you can quickly reduce hard substances – i.e. up to 9 on the Mohs scale of hardness – to…
Read MoreHow to Use CAT Homogenizer Flow-Through Chambers
CAT Scientific homogenizers offer outstanding versatility as tools to homogenize, emulsify, disrupt, mix, blend, macerate and otherwise process materials to support R&D, pilot production and similar activities across a broad range of industries. Homogenizers consist of a generator assembly comprised of a slotted stator affixed to a compatible generator tube available in various lengths. The…
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