Temperature Control is Crucial for Blending Distillate and Terpenes

Blending distillate with terpenes is an important step in the creation of various cannabis products intended for retail sale. Of course, terpenes are aromatic compounds that occur naturally in whole cannabis plants. Their retention — or reintroduction — to select products may contribute to the flavor and final character profiles of these products. Perhaps more…

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Can Your Magnetic Hotplate Stirrer Interface with a PC?

Can your magnetic hotplate stirrer be interfaced with a PC? This is neither a trick question, nor an idle one. If your laboratory has a digital magnetic hotplate stirrer from CAT Scientific, then the answer is definitely “yes”. But if you haven’t invested in the best equipment for your facility, you may be working with…

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Laboratory Basics 101: The Magnetic Hotplate Stirrer

Every functional laboratory needs certain items of basic equipment: Erlenmeyer and volumetric flasks, graduated cylinders, funnels, test tubes, utility clamps, balances, pipettes, droppers, the ubiquitous Bunsen burner…the list goes on. And its full complement of items and devices varies depending on the type of research and/or development you are pursuing. A clinical laboratory may feature…

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