Cannabis Homogenization – 5 Reasons Why It’s Invaluable for Your Brand

To say marketing and branding is a challenge for cannabis businesses is a massive understatement. With political and social detractors committed to derailing industry progress, marketing tactics must adhere to shifting, and sometimes outlandish, requirements. However, as we dive deeper into this budding industry, the venomous bite from Capitol Hill isn’t the biggest threat to…

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Safeguarding Your Brand via Cannabis Homogenization

Branding. Reputation Management. Customer Loyalty. As a small business, these simple words mean the difference between success or failure. However, for cannabis businesses, these three terms carry a specific weight. Unlike traditional retailers who work within the confines of an established industry, cannabis-based companies are swimming in uncharted waters. While the fundamental elements of business…

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Stop Scorching Cannabis Consumers With Cannabinoid Hotspots

When you take a sip of your morning coffee, you aren’t worried about whether there’s too much or too little caffeine. The same’s also true when you take your multi-vitamin or enjoy a chocolate bar. As consumers, we hold a solid expectation of ingredient accuracy. Could you imagine the uproar if Starbucks suddenly released a…

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Cannabis Homogenization: Questions & Answers

Cannabis homogenization. These two words, as insignificant as they may seem, hold the future of our industry. The weight of this post-processing technique has the potential to propel the nation into the green light of legalization or fling an entire industry back into the harsh realm of prohibition. If the cannabis industry has an Achilles…

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Cannabinoid Distribution – Achieving Uniformity is Easier Than You Think

What’s the biggest threat to the cannabis industry? Over-zealous law enforcement? Antiquated rhetoric from political leaders? How about widespread misinformation regarding cannabis users and its socioeconomic impact? No, the most notorious threat capable of derailing the entire industry boils down to a single word: homogenization. The topic of cannabis homogenization is one of passion. For…

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Impact of Cannabis Homogenization

The Impact of Cannabis Homogenization for Consumers & Beyond As legal cannabis spreads throughout the nation, the topic of homogenization has moved into the spotlight, and rightfully so. The impact of cannabis homogenization dives beyond the expectation of product uniformity, which we’ll discuss later, and moves into the realm of safety and legitimacy. Essentially, the…

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CAT Scientific X1740 Homogenizer Video The X1740 Homogenizer is a real powerhouse; with 1,700 watts it can process volumes from 500ml to 20 liters of media. Designed for both research and pilot-plant applications it operates at user-controlled step-less speeds from 2,500 to 23,000 RPM.

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Tips for Homogenizing Volatile Samples

What is a volatile sample? Before we provide tips for homogenizing volatile samples it’s good to understand what these are.  Three key terms apply: Volatility denotes rapid evaporation, that is evaporating rapidly in the form of a vapor. Flash point is the temperature at which particular organic compounds give off sufficient vapor to ignite in…

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Hand-Held Lab Homogenizer for Small Sample Sizes

X120 Handheld homogenizer

Developing new compounds involving scarce and/or costly ingredients may involve several trials in the research lab.  Processing the ingredients is facilitated when researchers use a hand-held lab homogenizer for small sample sizes. An example of a versatile hand-held homogenizer is the CAT Scientific X120 designed to process samples as small as 0.1 ml but up…

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High Powered Lab Homogenizer Serves Many Functions

Lab homogenizers are offered  in several power ratings designated by wattage, recommended processing volumes and speeds. Homogenizer applications include blending, emulsifying, dispersing, cell disrupting, particle reduction and similar processing steps.   They are widely used in labs, universities and industries. High powered lab homogenizers such as the CAT Scientific X1740 homogenizer drive motor are also capable…

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